St. Thomas School

Pre-K through 5th Grade

Madison, South Dakota

"Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you" - St. Thomas Aquinas

Come join the St. Thomas Family!

We are currently accepting PreK through 5th grade applications for our 2025-26 school year. We would love to welcome your child!

At St. Thomas School, we believe that the responsibility of our education system is to foster development of the whole child, through nurturing a love of God, a love of self, a love of learning, and a love of life.  This belief is attainable through the support of our families and the faith community.

St. Thomas School is a graced environment in which the person of Jesus Christ is central and the wonders of his Gospel are shared.  We provide a setting in which students and staff are guided to appreciate the dignity and uniqueness of each human being and to cultivate their own lives and talents.  St. Thomas staff view their work as both a career and a spiritual ministry.  The staff's respect for each student, their confidence in their student's abilities, and their genuine concern consciously sets a standard for relationships among classmates.  Steadfast in faith, we aim for children to reach their full potential in body, mind, heart and spirit. 

2025 Auction Poster

Tickets! Tickets! Get your Last Shall Be First Raffle Tickets!

They are $50 each. The last number on board wins $1500, second to last wins $1000. Only 100 total sold!  Need not be present to win. Not close by? Feel free to Venmo us your name & lucky number @stsmadison

A huge thank you to First National Bank of Sioux Falls for the generous donation of cash prizes!

Let's debunk some common myths about St. Thomas School:

Myth: St. Thomas School is only a preschool.

Fact: While we offer an excellent preschool program, we've been an accredited school for over 40 years with a top-notch kindergarten through 5th-grade education.

Myth: St. Thomas School is only for Catholic families.

Fact: We proudly offer a Catholic education, but we welcome students of all faith backgrounds. Our students receive an average of 158 hours of religious formation per year, helping them develop a deep and personal relationship with Jesus.

Myth: St. Thomas School has high tuition.

Fact: Our tuition rates are competitive, with options for monthly, quarterly, semesterly or annual payments. We offer affordable rates for preschool with this year's rates being $1,045-$2,186 depending on the half-day or full-day choice and elementary school, K-5th, rates at $2,388-$2,933 per year depending on parishioner status. With a teacher ratio of 8:1, it's an investment worth considering. New this year - we're excited to offer incoming kindergarten students their first quarter tuition-free for the 2025-2026 school year. We're confident you'll love our school community!

Myth: St. Thomas School doesn't offer scholarships.

Fact: We're committed to making Catholic education accessible. We help connect families with the Partners in Education Scholarship, which covered partial or full tuition for 46% of our families this year. We also offer a Parish Scholarship to support those who need additional financial support.

Myth: Class sizes are too small.

Fact: Our growing class sizes allow for personalized attention, helping each student develop their intellect and creativity. At St. Thomas School, we foster a sense of belonging among our students. By encouraging relationships across grade levels, we create a vibrant, family-like community that inspires growth and friendship.

For more information or to answer any questions, please reach out to Ahnna Kleinschmidt, Principal of St. Thomas School, 

at 605-256-4419. God Bless!